Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Comparison of T cell subset tissue-wide distribution during human ontogeny

The authors have established an protocol allowing access to pediatric and adult human donor tissues for research purpose. For each tissue obtained, a detailed overview of T cell subset distributions were generated. 

These experiments yielded following data: 

(a) Early-life human tissues were dominated by naive CD45RA+CCR7T cell subset. Correspondingly, few effector memory CD45RA- CCR7- TEM were detected at this developmental stage (2 months - 2 years).

(b) Functionally, early-life human T cells were less responsive to TCR stimulation (both to anti-CD3 or PMA) compared to adult T cells.

(c) Early-life human tissues contained high frequency of Foxp3+ Tregs.

(d) The high frequency of Foxp3+ Tregs in early-life human tissues was physiologically relevant since their depletion in an in vitro culture restored T cell proliferation (Note, TREG:TEM ratios in tissues from pediatric donors were lowest in lung and small intestine mucosal tissues, places with natural high-level antigen exposure).

In summary, correct understanding of T cell subset distribution throughout the human body may help to implement more productive vaccination protocols.

David Usharauli

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